London's Word Fest started this past Saturday. My cousin's brother-in-law, Jon Bilbrough, was playing on Sat. night, and him and his wife had invited me to join in the fun with them. Let's just say that I'm rather glad that I did. He had a pretty legit set.
Jon's last piece was in collaboration of some friends of his who own a printing press,
Henningham Family Press. It really was one of those "You had to be there moments," but maybe some visuals will help you slightly understand the ingenuity of this piece. (Must apologize for the fuzzy quality of them!)

So, you've got him up in the front, strumming along, singing his song.

While the Henninghams' are starting to do some screen printing, on top of the story/lyrics of the song, in the back.

It became a hive of activity then. They put the posters on a clothes line with directions printed on, telling Jon what to do next.

They then move the posters down the line.

When it came to a light, that was strategically placed in the middle of the clothesline, Jon did what the poster told.

Things moved along in this fashion for the course of the song. It was quite interactive, to say the least.

Obviously, they sold them. I mean, seriously, why would anyone NOT want to buy one?
Whenever you come to visit, it's your job to spot where I've displayed mine ;)
In other news, had my first day of work today. We were shown around all the council buildings that we'll need to know, and introduced to heaps of people that I don't remember their names. All in due time though. Training/Intro stuff seems to be planned for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
That's all.
p.s. check out
Jon Bilbrough on itunes.
Hi mammsy,
That is what you call performance art! Weeeeooo!!
Love you.
Aly Cat
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