Nevertheless, it is time to find a place of my own to settle down in. You know, simple things like being able to NOT live out suitcases will be excellent, and not having a hour commute into work.
All I've been hearing is how fast this has all happened. I fully agree though. It was only a week and half ago that Melissa and I even saw the flat, but it's more than we could have ever imagined. Location is amazing! It's right in-between the bus stop we'll need to get to work and the train station to get into the city; grocery store a few minutes walk up the hill; cafes and cute little bread of many nations restaurants close by; a HUGE park about 10-15 minute walk away; nearby a police station and a post office. Most importantly, we aren't in an area where we will likely run into clients!
Oh, and the rent is not too shabby either. For future guests, the reception room (aka living room) has a door; which means you can sleep-in and not feel like you're in every body's way :)
This is what the new place will look like.
P.S. I would be remiss if I did not send out my love to my favourite newly engaged couple.
I love you guys dearly!!!!
aaaah emily your new apt is so picturesque! who is melissa? how do you make friends so quickly???
AW!!! Emmmmaaa! I am so happy for you...i am for sure coming to visit! woo hoo!
this is all so lovely and a testimony to God's faithfulness. Love you, Ems. :o)
Congratulations!! I love the look of your new place. It makes me want to skip up the steps and have tea, haha. If I could still skip...
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