My fans* have been asking for an update. That was last week though. They could have decided it is no longer necessary since I'm so slow on the uptake...
Today is Father's Day, and I'm a horrible daughter. I didn't send anything. Not even a card. It's fair treatment though. I forgot to send something over for Mother's Day as well... Just evening it out, right?
Well, I figured I could at least do a little something. Even though it is completely cheating by doing it on the blog-o-sphere.
So here is a little tribute to my daddy dearest.
My dad, in the simplest of terms, is quite literally amazing. He is one of the main reasons that I am the way that I am. (Not that I'm claiming to be amazing.) He is also one of the main reasons why I have such stinkin' high expectations out of the opposite sex (but that's a completely different topic!).
He was the peace keeper in a household of three females; which I know for a fact was no simple task! He is a protector through and through. He is intelligent, hilarious, and calming.
My dad is consistent. He is a rock. I have never once questioned his love for my mum, sister, me, or my nephew. Never. My dad is subtle. You have to pay attention to him; otherwise, people around you are going to start laughing and you're going to have no clue why. Just know it is because of something witty he said.
He was the person who packed my lunches for school; yes, up to senior year of high school. He was the one who woke me up in the mornings by ever-so-gently shaking my foot or arm; which would irritate me to the nth degree at the time. He brought me to majority of my piano lessons, band practices, competitions, etc for over 10 years. He was my personal GPS throughout university round one and two; despite us being on opposite ends of the state. He's the one that I email at all hours with silly and ridiculous questions to get answered; like which is the Cornish way of doing scones. He's the one who would take me to all my doctor's appointments growing up and bribed me to actually not thrash about when people tried to take my blood. He's the one who crushed up all my meds and mixed it into the only foods I could eat after jaw surgery, apple sauce and pudding. He has faithfully edited
all my papers throughout school, that includes graduate school. He is a packing guru. He has always supported and encouraged me to be me, and has been a voice of reason when I might be doing something stupid. He's put up with my sister, myself, and Nate and our craziness ;)
My dad is a God-fearing man. I have never once questioned his love for his Lord and Saviour. Never. When times get tough, I know he just prays all the harder. His is the kind of faith that has been fine tuned for many a year. It's beautiful.
So folks, like I said, my dad is amazing.
Happy Father's Day daddy dearest :)
*my mum, dad, and sister